Dutchvega X-Plug Soil Plugs 84 per Tray per Box (6 Trays = 504 Pieces)

Price on request
The DUTCHVEGA X-PLUG Glue Soil Plug is made from a mixture of hoppy white peat and specially processed coconut. This gives a very balanced air / water ratio that every grower can use. Ideal for seed starting of vegetables, herbs and flower seeds.
SKU j160009
Status In stock (136 pcs)
Delivery times Immediately available
Manufacturer Archimede Trading B.V.
MOQ Price per unit
Name Dimensions Weight
Dutchvega X-Plug Soil Plugs 84 per Tray per Box (6 Trays = 504 Pieces) 53.00 x 31.00 x 31.50 cm 9.70 kg
Scancode Type
2000610059670 EAN-13

Dutchvega X-Plug Soil Plugs 84 per Tray per Box (6 Trays = 504 Pieces)

The DUTCHVEGA X-PLUG Glue Soil Plug is made from a mixture of hoppy white peat and specially processed coconut. This gives a very balanced air / water ratio that every grower can use. Ideal for seed starting of vegetables, herbs and flower seeds.

The DUTCHVEGA X-PLUG Glue Soil Plug has the unique property that it is very easy and quick to re-moisten. Even if you are just too late with watering and the edge is dry, the Glue Soil Plug will take water very easily. Due to this property, the Glue Soil Plug can also be stored for a long period of time.

Air content Glue Soil Plug
Even with a very damp plug (pressure level -3) there is more than enough air.
The wilt point is between -50 and -100, depending on plant and substrate. Our plug has a longer endurance.


  • are organic and are a natural environment for plant roots and contribute to uniform plant growth through natural buffering of nutrients.
  • promote better plant growth, which works preventively against diseases and pests.
  • are designed for faster root development and better plant growth.
  • have a preset pH value of 6.0 and an EC value of 1.0.
  • maintain sufficient oxygen with a water-saturated plug and a very dry plug is always easy to moisten.

The DUTCHVEGA X-PLUG Glue Soil Plug maintains its strength during processing. The plug does not disintegrate, even if the crop is not properly rooted. The X-Plug is therefore ideal to use for automated systems such as planting machines and sorting robots.

AdvantagesDUTCHVEGA X-PLUG Glue Soil Plug:

  • ready for use
  • easily to rewet
  • even growth
  • suitable for automatic processing
  • good growth in terminal pot
  • long shelf life

Dimensions: 53 x 31 x 4.5cm
84 glue soil plugs per tray
6 trays per box