Pokon Manure Pellets 10 Kg

Price on request
Pokon Dried Manure Pellets, also known as cow manure pellets, is a natural fertilizer that improves the structure of your soil. The fertilizer contained in the grains gradually dissolves, making the soil more fertile. It is a 100% organic product that can be used for everything that grows and flourishes in the garden.
SKU f116352
Status Limited stock (9 pcs)
Delivery times Immediately available
Manufacturer Pokon Naturado
MOQ Price per unit
Name Dimensions Weight
Pokon Manure Pellets 10 Kg 70.00 x 30.00 x 6.00 cm 10.50 kg
Scancode Type
8719400012187 EAN-13

Pokon Manure Pellets 10 Kg

Pokon Dried Manure Pellets, also known as cow manure pellets, is a natural fertilizer that improves the structure of your soil. The fertilizer contained in the grains gradually dissolves, making the soil more fertile. It is a 100% organic product that can be used for everything that grows and flourishes in the garden.

Pokon Dried Manure Pellets can be used throughout the year for border, vegetable garden and lawn. Sprinkle the grains in spring for a good start of the year and protect your garden plants in the fall against frost. The grains are suitable for young and older plants.

  • Sprinkle the granules according to the indicated dosage;
  • If possible, rip the grains through the top layer of the soil;
  • Immediately give water to activate the granules.


  • Lawns:
    1 kilogram per 10 m2 na maaien, eenmaal per maand gelijkmatig uitstrooien;
  • Roses:
    250 gram per struik in voor- en najaar, rond de struik uitstrooien en daarna goed inharken;
  • Flowers, vegetables and fruits:
    1 kg per 5 m2, uitstrooien en inharken;
  • Grapes:
    500 gram per stok, rond de struik uitstrooien en daarna goed inharken;
  • New plants:
    1 kg per 5 m2, goed door de bovenlaag van de grond vermengen.

Pokon Dried Manure Pellets are made of dried animal manure and contain a high content of organic matter. The risk of combustion is therefore minimal.

Care tips
Plants in pots and in the border are in need of nutrition over time, because the nutrients present in the soil are used by the plant. Pokon Dried manure grains are especially suitable for soil improvement and contain less nutrition than specific fertilizers for the garden. Give your garden plants a regular diet and you'll enjoy them a lot longer.