Plagron Royalmix 50 Liter

Price on request
Plagron Royalmix is a mix of the finest, carefully selected types of peat. It contains various types of fibre and perlite which results in a lightness and oxygen level you have come to expect only of Plagron quality substrates.
SKU g114024
Status In stock (37 pcs)
Delivery times Immediately available
Manufacturer Plagron
MOQ Price per unit
Name Dimensions Weight
Plagron Royalmix 50 Liter 65.00 x 42.00 x 13.00 cm 19.90 kg
Scancode Type
8718104121331 EAN-13

Plagron Royalmix 50 Liter

Plagron Royalmix is a mix of the finest, carefully selected types of peat. It contains various types of fibre and perlite which results in a lightness and oxygen level you have come to expect only of Plagron quality substrates. The abundant presence of unique Plagron worm castings ensures vigorous plant growth and increased water retention. Royalmix contains a carefully selected combination of organic fertilizers which meet all the plant’s nutritional requirements throughout the complete cycle. These Plagron fertilizers are unique because they are only released exactly when the plant needs them. Royalmix is Plagron’s premium product. Do not add any fertilizer for the first 6 weeks. After this eventual fertilizing, depending on the plant development. Attention! Water well before use.


  • Balanced range of top quality peat and organic nutrients;
  • Complete fertilisation for at least 6 weeks;
  • Nutrition is released when the plant needs it (time-released);
  • Very light structure thanks to the best quality fibers.

White peat moss, black peat moss, peat moss fibre, perlite, worm castings and 45 kg/m3 organic NPK-fertiliser (1-2-1).

Usage and dose
Rinse with water before use in order to wash out the immediately absorbable nutrients. Extra nutrition is needed after approximately 6 weeks, depending on the condition of the plant.

25 and 50 litres bags.

This product is suitable for organic farming according to Council Regulation (EC) 834/2007.