Plagron Easy Pack 100% Natural

Price on request
The Easy Pack 100% NATURAL contains all the nutrients you need to grow 4 plants from start to finish. Depending on the size of the pot and how often and how much you water, you can grow an average of 4 plants with this Easy Pack. It contains our organic base nutrients for the growth and flowering stage and our 4-in-1 star product Green Sensation. The combination of products in this Easy Pack guarantees a great taste of your final product and legendary yields. It can be that easy!
SKU f900164
Status In stock (25 pcs)
Delivery times Immediately available
Manufacturer Plagron
MOQ Price per unit
Name Dimensions Weight
Plagron Easy Pack 100% Natural 15.00 x 8.00 x 14.00 cm 0.88 kg
Scancode Type
8718104121041 EAN-13

Plagron Easy Pack 100% Natural

The Easy Pack 100% NATURAL contains all the nutrients you need to grow 4 plants from start to finish. Depending on the size of the pot and how often and how much you water, you can grow an average of 4 plants with this Easy Pack. It contains our organic base nutrients for the growth and flowering stage and our 4-in-1 star product Green Sensation. The combination of products in this Easy Pack guarantees a great taste of your final product and legendary yields. It can be that easy!

In the Easy Pack you will find a manual with a growing scheme. Follow this growing scheme and the indicated dosages per week/period. There is enough nutrient in the Easy Pack to feed your plants for 8 weeks in the growth phase and another 8 weeks in the flowering phase.* So do not worry if your growth phase is longer than the 2 weeks indicated on the grow schedule. Just repeat the dosage from the last week of the growth phase.

* Assuming your plants are in 5.5 liter pots and watered 3 times a week (0.5 liter per plant, per pot).


  • 250 ml Alga Grow (NPK 4-2-4);
  • 250 ml Alga Bloom (NPK 3-2-5);
  • 50 ml Green Sensation (NPK 0-9-10).

This Easy Pack contains the 100% NATURAL basic nutrients and the popular booster Green Sensation.