Hy-Pro Hydro A & B 10 Liter

Price on request
Hy-pro Hydro A & B products are formulated in such a way that all plants will react optimally under all kinds of conditions. Most hydroculture soils contain insufficient nutrients and trace elements, to restore this you can use Hydro A & B.
SKU f106008
Status Limited stock (1 pcs)
Delivery times Immediately available
Manufacturer Hy-Pro
MOQ Price per unit
Name Dimensions Weight
Hy-Pro Hydro A & B 10 Liter 21.50 x 18.50 x 30.50 cm 10.57 kg
Hy-Pro Hydro A & B 10 Liter 21.50 x 18.50 x 30.50 cm 10.57 kg
Scancode Type
859076004814 UPC

Hy-Pro Hydro A & B 10 Liter

Hy-pro Hydro A & B products are formulated in such a way that all plants will react optimally under all kinds of conditions. Most hydroculture soils contain insufficient nutrients and trace elements, to restore this you can use Hydro A & B. Both factors are important for the plants to achieve exuberant growth and flowering.

Hydro A & Hydro B are made for growing on hydroponics, but also on coco's, mapito, rockwool, etc. The most optimal result is achieved when using this product in combination with the other products of the HY-PRO line. In addition, breeding on hydroponics offers many advantages over growing on ordinary potting soil. For office buildings, for example, it is a maintenance-friendly and therefore time-saving solution.


  • For best results, mix 5 ml Hydro A with 1 liter of water;
  • After stirring, mix another 5 ml of Hydro B and stir again;
  • Check the E.C. value (ideally: 1.4 - 2.2);
  • Add water if the E.C. too high;
  • Check the pH value of the solution last (ideally: 5.5 - 6.0);
  • Give your plants Hydro A and B every time you are watering them.

Always use Hydro A and B in combination and in equal amounts. If the pH value is too high, you can lower the pH to a desired value with HY-PRO PH. Follow the instructions on the label.
