Growth Technology Houseplant Focus 300 ML

Price on request
Houseplant Focus is easy to use. It has an ideal formulation to encourage healthy growth and abundant flowering of all indoor houseplants. Houseplant Focus is specifically formulated to care for all indoor houseplants.
SKU f170432
Status Temporarely out of stock
Manufacturer Growth Technology
MOQ Price per unit
Name Dimensions Weight
Growth Technology Houseplant Focus 300 ML 5.60 x 5.60 x 16.00 cm 375.00 g
Scancode Type
5025644910930 EAN-13

Growth Technology Houseplant Focus 300 ML

Houseplant Focus is easy to use. It has an ideal formulation to encourage healthy growth and abundant flowering of all indoor houseplants. Houseplant Focus is specifically formulated to care for all indoor houseplants.

A carefully balanced formula with nutrients, it is manufactured from the purest and most soluble mineral salts and is enriched with concentrated organic plant acids and pure extracts of kelp. It is urea free. Houseplant Focus is ideal if you have a collection of houseplants including anthuriums, ferns, dracaenas, ficus, palms, poinsettias, as well as cacti, succulents and bromeliads.

Houseplant Focus

  • With all essential nutrients.
  • Enriched with humic and fulvic acid, as well as seaweed.
  • With Hydroburst technology for easy rewetting.

Usage and dosage

It is easy to use. Simply mix Houseplant Focus with clean water at 5 ml (one teaspoon) per liter and use weekly – or with every watering - for feeding houseplants at all stages of growth. At half strength (5 ml per two liters), it is also ideal for seedlings and young plants.

For ultimate performance and especially for plants under stress you can also use Root Ultra, a root promotor for all plants specifically formulated for use in pots and containers.

As most houseplants are of tropical origin they will respond and thrive with regular spraying which creates higher humidity because in centrally heated houses humidity is low especially in the winter.

So, additionally, to using Houseplant Focus it is advisable to spray or mist houseplants regularly (two to three times a week) with soft water, Houseplant Myst or Houseplant Focus diluted at 5 ml per two liters.