BAC Biotablets 12 Pieces

Price on request
The biological fertilizer tablets contain slow-working fertilizers in combination with natural humic acids and beneficial soil bacteria. These improve the quality of the soil which will optimize the absorption of the fertilizers. Your plants will exuberantly grow and flourish. The BAC Biotablets are 100% organic.
SKU f104040
Status Limited stock (10 pcs)
Delivery times Immediately available
Manufacturer BAC Products B.V.
MOQ Price per unit
Name Dimensions Weight
BAC Biotablets 12 Pieces 20.00 x 17.50 x 3.00 cm 0.35 kg
Scancode Type
2002110049861 EAN-13

BAC Biotablets 12 Pieces

The biological fertilizer tablets (BAC Biotablets) have been developed to fertilize new and existing plants.
The biological fertilizer tablets contain slow-working fertilizers in combination with natural humic acids and beneficial soil bacteria. These improve the quality of the soil which will optimize the absorption of the fertilizers. Your plants will exuberantly grow and flourish. The BAC Biotablets are 100% organic.

Advantages Bac Biotablets

  • A better and natural alternative to slow-acting fertilizer tablets;
  • Constant improvement and enrichment of soil life;
  • Perfectly safe for your plants and can not burn plant roots;
  • Unattended nitrogen is bound by soil bacteria and will not flush through it;
  • Tablets leave no residues behind and are easy to use;
  • Suitable for houseplants, tub plants, potted plants and hanging plants;

We recommend using the Biotablets in combination with Funky Fungi (Mycorrizha) and the stimulants of BAC. The tablets should be pressed 2-5 centimeters into the ground at the roots and then you can water the plant.


  • 5 liters potting soil: 1 tablet;
  • 10 liters potting soil: 2 tablets;
  • 20 liters potting soil: 3 tablets;
  • 30 liters potting soil: 3 tablets;
  • 50 liters potting soil: 4 tablets.

Compound Organic Fertilizer NPK 12-8-8 + 3 S (Sulfur) + 2.5 Fe (Iron).