Aptus Humic-Blast 1 Liter

Price on request
Humic-Blast stimulates the root system and soil while improving the absorption of nutrients. Humic-Blast improves soil structure, increases the water retention capacity, neutralizes acids and salts in the medium.
SKU f103700
Status Limited stock (9 pcs)
Delivery times Immediately available
Manufacturer Aptus Holland
MOQ Price per unit
Name Dimensions Weight
Aptus Humic-Blast 1 Liter 9.00 x 9.00 x 24.00 cm 1.30 kg
Scancode Type
8719717741497 EAN-13

Aptus Humic-Blast 1 Liter
Organic soil conditioner

Humic-Blast stimulates the root system and soil while improving the absorption of nutrients. Humic-Blast improves soil structure, increases the water retention capacity, neutralizes acids and salts in the medium. Humic-Blast is very rich in carbon components and potassium humates and is supplemented with natural plant hormones and micro-elements.


  • Organic soil conditioner;
  • Provides a loose and airy structure of the substrate;
  • Stimulates soil;
  • Reduces stress during the planting or transplanting;
  • Improves nutrient absorption capacity;
  • Detoxifying/Remediation effect (regarding heavy metals, chlorine compounds and sodium in the medium).

Tips & Tricks
Humic-Blast is added to the last two to three water turns. If not possible, flush the final week with clean water and Humic-Blast. This regulates the nutrient salts in the medium while improving the medium structure by producing a loose and airy texture. This regulates the EC in the medium so that young plants of the next production run have a successful start in the same medium.

Humic-Blast contains humic acids from the Leonardite layer combined with growth promoting amino acids, plantextracts and micro-life extracts.

Application and dosage
Shake well before use. Humic-Blast is used in the last two to three water turns. Apply 30 ml of Humic Blast per 100l of water (1:3333) and for the last watering use 60 ml of Humic Blast per 100l of water.