Pokon Anti-Fungal Concentrate 180 Grams Fungus Concentrate

Price on request
Is your plant suffering from a fungus? Pokon Anti-Fungal Fungus Concentrate (sulfur spray) can be used to combat diseases such as mildew and scab. Fungal infections can quickly spread to other plants, so it's important to control them. The most common fungus is mildew, which covers plants with a white layer of fungal growth. Plants affected by fungus show stunted growth, and heavily infected parts of the plant may die off.
SKU f149020
Status In stock (17 pcs)
Delivery times Immediately available
Manufacturer Pokon Naturado
MOQ Price per unit
Name Dimensions Weight
Pokon Anti-Fungal Concentrate 180 Grams Fungus Concentrate 15.00 x 7.20 x 10.20 cm 0.22 kg
Scancode Type
8711969032569 EAN-13

Pokon Anti-Fungal Concentrate 180 Grams Fungus Concentrate

Is your plant suffering from a fungus? Pokon Anti-Fungal Fungus Concentrate (sulfur spray) can be used to combat diseases such as mildew and scab. Fungal infections can quickly spread to other plants, so it's important to control them. The most common fungus is mildew, which covers plants with a white layer of fungal growth. Plants affected by fungus show stunted growth, and heavily infected parts of the plant may die off.


  • Sulfur spray for combating diseases such as mildew and scab.
  • Suitable for ornamental plants and fruit trees.
  • Natural product.
  • Sufficient for 36-45 liters of spray solution

Instructions for Use

Do not use Pokon Anti-Fungal Fungus Concentrate at high temperatures (above 25°C). Preferably use in the morning or evening to avoid direct sunlight. Treat only when the foliage is dry.

  • Carefully tear open the sachet.
  • Measure the desired dose with the provided measuring scoop.
  • After use, tightly close the sachet.
  • Fill the pressure sprayer/plant sprayer with a small amount of water.
  • Add the desired dose and mix well to obtain a homogeneous mixture.
  • Then add water until the desired quantity is reached.
  • Spray the affected leaves (top and bottom), stems, and trunk until the drops just do not drip off.

*A measuring scoop is approximately 3 grams.

You can find the correct dosage for each application on the back of the packaging.

The active ingredient is 80% sulfur (CAS no. 7704-34-9). The authorization number is 16153 N.

Safe Use
Store this product frost-free and out of reach of children. Not intended for human or animal consumption. Pokon Evergreen B.V. cannot be held liable for any damage caused by incorrect use. Use plant protection products safely. Read the label and product information before use.