This unique patented trap incorporates both visual and olfactory stimuli for the improved detection of Ephestia and Podia species. Independent testing has indicated that when positioned in well–lit areas, the Back Stripe trap achieved nearly 60% greater trapcatch than the standard Funnel trap. The smooth profile leading into the funnel area ensures that insects can walk towards the lure and funnel unimpeded. This trap provides early warning of problems, even at low infestations, which is extremely important for pest control professionals.
The funnel trap is uniquely designed with smooth sides. There is no lip or join that could prevent moths that land on the outside wall of the trap from walking up and into the trap, thus ensuring the maximum number of moths are caught.
The pheromone dispensers for various species can be purchased separately to the traps or in the kits. They are packed in vapour-proof sealed sachets and have a field activity duration of 6 weeks or 12 weeks. The septa or vial lure is inserted in to the red plastic lure holder and fitted to the top of the funnel trap.
A separate glue insert for the funnel trap can also be purchased. Coated with specially formulated non-drying insect glue, the shaped plastic liners are designed to fit inside our Funnel Traps to help catch and retain the insects entering the trap.
The Funnel Trap is a permanent trap intended as a large area monitoring tool as part of an integrated pest management approach. It is the most commonly used trap in SP moth monitoring. It is a large capacity trap used in a permanent matrix formation. When used correctly the information from a matrix of funnel traps can help to reduce the frequency and the extent of insecticide treatments.
The Black Stripe Moth trap can also be used to monitor and capture box tree moths, both inside the greenhouse and outside in the garden. The box tree moth poses a threat to tree nurseries, parks and gardens.
If you want to use the Black Stripe Moth Trap for catching the Box Tree Moth then you have to order the Box Tree Moth (Cydalima perspectalis) pheromone separately. This pheromone has a strong attraction on the male box tree moths. By catching the male box tree moths, the problem is signaled in a timely manner and the life cycle of the moth is interrupted. This moth trap is designed in such a way that moths attracted by the pheromone fall into the moth trap and can not escape from it. If the moths are caught, they can not leave unless the trap is opened.
Combined with the Black Stripe Moth trap, an Ephestia Catch Strip can be used. This is placed in a fast and easy way in the cup of the moth trap. The catch strip has only one sticky side. The adhesive sheet is placed in such a manor that the adhesive side is on the inside, so that the moths that fall into the trap fall onto the catch strip. This simplifies the emptying of the trap.
The Black Stripe Moth Trap can easily be reused and the pheromone fillings are also available as a refill package.