Trinatech Basic Hamertone Reflector with E40 Lamp Holder

Price on request
The Trinatech Basic Hammertone reflectors are made from high quality shiny polished Almeco aluminium with permanent shape. The reflectors come fully mounted with an enclosed E40 lamp holder, connector and lift up tabs for easy suspension and positioning.
SKU a131034
Status In stock (958 pcs)
Delivery times Immediately available
Manufacturer Trinatech
MOQ Price per unit
Name Dimensions Weight
Trinatech Basic Hamertone Reflector with E40 Lamp Holder 47.00 x 42.00 x 12.00 cm 0.74 kg
Scancode Type
8718247950553 EAN-13

Trinatech Basic Hamertone Reflector with E40 Lamp Holder

The Trinatech Basic Hammertone reflectors are made from high quality shiny polished aluminium with permanent shape. The reflectors come fully mounted with an enclosed E40 lamp holder, connector and lift up tabs for easy suspension and positioning.

  • Model Basic Hammertone reflector
  • Completely mounted including E40 socket + connector
  • High reflection value
  • Max. 600 watt
  • Dim. 471 * 471 * 0.4 mm